Cynthia Quarcoo | Voices Amplified

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Cynthia Quarcoo

What is your occupation/job/career?
I am legal practitioner with extensive experience as a Corporate, Finance, Energy and Infrastructure lawyer in Ghana and the United Kingdom. I am the Founder and Managing Partner of CQ Legal and Consulting (An Accra based law firm), where I head the Banking and Finance, Energy/Power and Infrastructure practices. I am also founder of Chronicles of a Working Mother and founder of Africa 1 Media.

City/State/Country do you reside in? 
Accra, Ghana | West Africa

During this world pandemic what is one thing you keep in the back of your mind that you remind yourself of daily?
The value of relationships and the importance of making our connections with people a priority above everything else.


Human lives are more important than profits.

- Cynthia Quarcoo

How has your business/workflow been effected? Do you see yourself bouncing back fully or do you see a shift in your business/career?
It has definitely resulted in a decline in client contact and receiving instructions for new business. However it has created an opportunity to review our internal structures and the way we provide legal services to our clients. I am also using the time to engage with clients and build stronger connections with them. Finally, I am using the period to update my knowledge of my areas of practice and knowledge of industries I provide advice to.

In a perfect virus free world with all expenses paid, where would you travel to for vacation?
I will travel to the Maldives 😃

What are you known for?
Law. Entertainment. Empowerment of Working Mothers

If you were to sit on a panel with Oprah and Michelle Obama, what would you want the discussion topic to be on?  
Working Mothers- I believe all stay home mums are part of this too.

Is there anything you'd like to share or words of encouragement for those who may be having a very challenging time during this pandemic? 
Pause…. take care of yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Be kind to yourself. Reach out to people you trust if you’re struggling. Spend time on yourself. Learn new skills and ways of upgrading your knowledge….